Friday, October 26th, 2018, on 7th Street in Bloomsburg
Bloomsburg will transform into “BOO!burg” as a
group of non-profit organizations invites
families for the Halloween festivities: AGAPE, the
Bloomsburg YMCA, Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble,
The Children’s Museum, Bloomsburg Public Library,
and The Exchange.
Families parked at the former Bloom Mills site on Market Street between 6th Street and the railroad, courtesy of its owner, the Columbia County Housing Corporation.
YMCA -- “Trunk or Treat” with DJ Tom Rood, 5:30-8:00
Children’s Museum -- family crafts and activities, 5:30-8:00,
including trick-or-treating in the Museum gift shop!
The Exchange -- costume contest for kids up to 12 years old
one round at 7 p.m. (with prizes in three categories: ages 0-3,
ages 4-8, ages 9-12 -- all prizes by Brennans Big Chill), plus
the Art Cart, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
BTE -- scary stage make-up, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Ramona Schaffer -- face-painting, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
AGAPE -- marshmallow and hot dog roasting, pumpkin painting,
5:30-8:00 p.m.
Pumpkin drop – thanks to the Bloomsburg Fire Department, 7 p.m.
Mike's Food Truck and Nannycakes
Thanks to the Bloomsburg University Honors students who volunteered all evening long alongside the employees and volunteers of the presenting organizations. Through these organizations’ generosity, families will enjoy all of the fun absolutely free! Of course, they all count on generosity throughout the year: Only through contributions of time and money from people throughout our community do these non-profits survive and thrive.